Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Social Issue

Students, post the issue your team has decided to construct and present a bill about as a comment to this post.  Please post "Team #__ chooses to construct and present a bill about __________________________________________."


  1. Replies
    1. Reasons why we should have a school beautification law: Add plants so the school can look less dull so it feels more welcoming. Students perform better on high-stakes test when more plant life is present in the school. Have warm colors on the walls to make the school have a positive effect on the people who attend the school. It promotes independent thinking and self-motivation. Fundraising opportunities to pay for beautification projects. It could help with cross curricular activities including math, science, art, social studies. Paint the ceilings in the hallways corresponding with the class that meets in the rooms (pictures of things representing the subjects). Hanging plants in the corners of the classrooms. Hang class projects from the ceiling.

    2. I President Rebecca Washburn sign this bill into law.
